Sylvie's Breast Cancer Story Part 1
I want to share a very personal story over a series of posts.
In 2022 I was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer. This is my second cancer experience following non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 10 years ago.
I’m relaying the story now because it just feels like it is the right time.
While mine is but one of many individual stories, I’m sharing because even though this is hard for me to recount and I really want to walk as far away as possible from 2022, if my experience encourages one other person to go and get a screen then it is worth it.
How did my cancer diagnosis come about?
In July last year, I was flicking through my Facebook feed and an ad came up for Breast Screen NSW.
I recall that the sun was streaming down on me from the window behind, which on a winter’s day in July is a little unusual. It was so warm on my back and bright, it felt otherworldly and safe. I thought to myself that as I had not had a full-on breast screen before, although I had always been punctual with my breast checks as part of a regular checkup with my GP, I would book myself in for the screen right then and there. One minute later an appointment was in the diary and locked in.
Two weeks later I took myself off to my local Breast Screen Centre, tucked in behind the bra and undies section in Myer Department Store. I also planned to catch up with my girlfriend for a cheeky lunch afterwards and as she was not feeling well, I was going to Harris Farm to buy us some yummy soup and bread. Feeling pretty pleased with myself at how quick and easy it all was, I wondered why I had not done it sooner.
Back in normal family and work mode, I cannot recall if it was a few days or a week when I received a call from one of the nurses to let me know that I needed to come back in for a follow up. At the time of this call, I was ironically in Emergency at the Prince of Wales hospital with my elderly mother (this is another story!!!). I was pretty surprised to get a call back as I did not have any lumps or bumps and as far as I knew, there were no breast cancer survivors or any history of Breast Cancer in my family. I also knew it was not unusual to be called back for an ultrasound after a screen.
I made the appointment and put it out of my mind.
Look out for my next post on Being called back for further tests.
Sylvie xx